Korean College of Laboratory Animal Medicine

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Korean College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (KCLAM) was established in 25th Oct 2006 for the purpose of 1) enhancement of humane technique of animal experiments, 2) development of the fields of disease of experimental animals, operation, anesthesia, pain relief, animal welfare and animal protection, 3) training for the development of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians, 4) and establishment technical standards. Prof. Jae-Hak Park, Seoul Nat’l Univ. was elected as the first president of KCLAM.

In 31st Oct 2006, KCLAM was joined with the International Association of Colleges of Laboratory Animal Medicine such as ACLAM, ECLAM and JCLAM. After the first training program for the development of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians, technical standards were established. Training programs were proceeded 4 times per year and the main textbook is “Laboratory Animal Medicine, 2nd ed.” with other practical experiences from senior laboratory animal veterinarians.

The first KCLAM certificate examination was held in 2009. Eleven DKCLAMs were selectedout of 40 candidates. Before the first certificate examination, 17 tentative DKCLAMs were selectedin June 2007 and then 6 out of 17 tentative DKCLAMs were re-certificated through the first KCLAM certifyingexamination. Except for 6, 11 tentative DKCLAMs those who do not register their re-certificates have to passthe certification exam in two years. Now 28 DKCLAMs play a role as a DKCLAM (17 tentative DKCLAMs and 11new DKCLAMs). Prof. Jin-Su Han was elected as the 2nd president of KCLAM in 17th October, 2009.

The history of KCLAM

  1. 2024

    1. 1st Jan
      The ninth Operation committee was established and the 9th President of KCLAM was Prof. Ki Taek Nam, Yonsei Univ.
  2. 2023

    1. 13th~15th Sep
      The 9th AFLAS Congress 2023 was held on Jeju Island.
  3. 2021

    1. 1st Oct
      The eighth Operation committee was established and the 8th President of KCLAM was Prof. Je-Kyung Seong, Seoul National Univ.
  4. 2019

    1. 1st Oct
      The seventh Operation committee was established and the 7th President of KCLAM was Prof. Yang-Kyu Choi, Konkuk Univ.
  5. 2018

    1. 24th Apr
      KCLAM also participated in expert panel discussions to improve animal research ethics and to strengthen animal welfare with the National Assembly.
  6. 2017

    1. 1st Oct
      The sixth Operation committee was established and the 6th President of KCLAM was Dr. Choong-Yong Kim, Daegu Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation.
  7. 2016

    1. 2nd~3rd Jun
      KCLAM-AAALAC International Conference” was held to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the foundation.
  8. 2015

    1. 1st Oct
      The fifth Operation committee was established and the 5th President of KCLAM was Dr. Hyoung-Chin Kim, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology.
  9. 2014

    1. 1st Dec
      KCLAM guideline for Reviewing Animal Study Protocols (vol. 1, rodents) was established with APQA.
    2. 17th Oct
      Prof. Seok Seung Hyeok, Seoul National University College of Medicine, was appointed vice chairperson of IACLAM.
  10. 2013

    1. 1st Oct
      The fourth Operation committee was established and the 4th President of KCLAM was Prof. Yong Heo, Daegu Catholic National Univ.
  11. 2011

    1. 9th Dec
      The first open form was held.
    2. 1st Oct
      The third Operation committee was established and the 3rd President of KCLAM was Prof. Min-Jae Lee, Kangwon National Univ.
  12. 2010

    1. 24th Nov
      “Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare” was translated into Korean.
    2. 17th Apr
      The name of organization was revised to Korean College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (KCLAM).
    3. 9th Feb
      KCLAM joined the Korean Veterinary Medical Association (KVMA) as an affiliated organization.
  13. 2009

    1. 17th Oct
      The Second Operation committee was established and the 2nd President of KCLAM was Prof. Jin-Su Han, Konkuk Univ.
    2. 26th Sep
      The First KCLAM certification exam was held, and 6 tentative KCLAM and 11 candidates of KCLAM were passed.
  14. 2007

    1. 30th Jun (2007) ~ 26th Sep (2009)
      11 training programs for the development of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians were held.
    2. 30th Jun
      The First training program for the development of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians was held and technical standards were established.
    3. 30th Jun
      17 tentative KCLAM members were selected.
  15. 2006

    1. 25th Aug
      KCLAM was established, and the first chairman of KCLAM was Prof. Jae-Hak Park, Seoul Nat’l Univ.